Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Just a little slice of Paradise.  I have found it.

A place where you can be sitting in one province, and see an island province, PEI, from across the water.
A place where you can go, sit on the steps for hours and watch the tides turn, the crabs scatter, the seals swimming.
A place to go on a sea-glass new found zen past time.
A place to go where there are solid friendships, hours of laughter, undoubtedly a lot of boozing.
A place where people have gone to get married...under the Gazebo, looking over the Northumberland Strait.
A place where something is different each and every time, thanks to the ever-changing Tides.  There's a new view each time you stand at the top of the cliff depending on if you are there at high tide/low tide/in between.

Here...many have started their lives together.  I am happy to be a part of that.

It's just a few hours outside of the city.  To get there, it's a mini road trip but full of enjoyable times.  Country music blaring, driving down ol' dirt roads, dodging fox and deer, having your ears pop when driving through the "Mountains" aka...Wentworth Valley.

Anyone who visits must "get it".  This is chilltown.  No stresses, no drama, the pace is slow.

Those who have accepted the invite and had the opportunity to visit...well, they know.

Anyone else...just can't get it.

And that's ok.

This was the first pic ever sent to me last year... before I'd ever been.

The tide is out.  Hanging out on the much anticipated sandbars.

New found enjoyment and addiction...Seaglass Hunting

Happy to have been privileged enough to be part of cottage upgrades... and yes... the green is mine :)

Just a little slide of paradise....

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